LAW 231/2001

Law 231 of June 8, 2010 has introduced in the Italian Legal system the Responsibility of the Companies on the basis of which they can be held liable, and consequently sanctioned, for certain types of crimes committed, in the interest or at the advantage of the company, by Directors and employees.

The liability of the Company can be excluded if the Company has approved and actually implemented, before the commission of the crime, an model of organization, management and control, suitable to prevent the crimes and it has appointed an Advisory Board with the aim of control the adequacy and observance of the adopted Organizational Model.

Oltrefrontiera Progetti S.r.l. has adopted a 231 Organizational Model for the prevention of crimes committed in the interest or at the advantage of the Company and has appointed an Advisory Body, granted with autonomous powers, in line with the provision of Law 231/2001.

Oltrefrontiera Progetti S.r.l. conducts its business activity in line and in compliance with the principles contained in Law 231/2001.